Wordless Wednesday..A commonly used phrase among bloggers, based on what I've seen, as the title of their entry..Seeing this too often makes me wonder, why Wordless and why Wednesday? So, below are my views on this not-so-important matter.
1. Why 'Wordless' ?
- Few words were used. Maybe because they're too lazy to type or they just can't find the words to convey their thoughts or maybe because they are trying to make it simple.
- Lots of pictures. As they say, a single picture can tell a thousand stories. Or was it a thousand lies? I can't quite recall. Probably either or probably both.
2. Why 'Wednesday' ?
- Because they wrote their entries on Wednesday.(Obviously)
- Because the word Wordless and Wednesday rhyme. (Obviously...again)
So there you have it, my views on Wordless Wednesday. A short one, but still, hope you enjoyed it. Bye!!!
p/s: Maybe I should write Wordfull Wednesday or Wordful Wednesday as the title. But neither wordfull nor wordful is an actual word. -_-"
just hari tanpa kata~:)
amboi enol....! sedap mu deh ngumpat aku...dying la...frying laa...swimming la...xpe2...doh bkpe mu nga pali tunjuk sme ni...wordless wednesday due2 ni...felik aku...hahaa;X
ateh ~ itu macam ka??
taq ~ mne de ak ngumpah..keh3..uih, xsme arr..tajuk ak ade "?", pali xdop..haha.. XD
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