Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012!

Wow, I've been away from here for quite some time, no? Yeah, been busy with life and work and stuff.
But I've told myself to make some time to write something on the last day of 2012. So, here I am, pressing my keyboard, writing another typical nonsense unworthy to be read by whoever happens to came or stumble upon my blog. 

Well, we're reached the end of the road for 2012. Looking back at it, I've been through a lot quite frankly. Some ups and downs, tears and laughter. Same old routine for the past 28 years I've been living on planet Earth. The only difference is the cause of those ups and downs and tears and laughter. But that's just how the world works actually. 

So what have I achieved for 2012? The first thing I crossed on my my to-do list for 2012, which is the only thing I've set earlier this year, and the year before that, and the year before that, is to graduate on time. Ha ha. I myself found this funny. Although I've been trying and trying and trying to earn that piece of paper that supposedly meant to justify one's ability for the past 10 freaking years! Yes, 10 freaking years! But, what makes it meaningful to me is that, the smile on my parent's face when I went on stage, shake that guy's hand, took my certs and walk back to my seat. Of course I didn't see their face, but I can tell. I'm sure most of you felt the same way too. Other things that I got are merely bonuses for me.

So what have I lost? Well, since I've graduated, I lost the time of being a student. God, student life sure is the best time in my life. That's why it took me 10 years to get my degree. Haha. Formal classes and lectures and what not, I do miss those things despite all the piling pressure of workloads and assignments and presentations, yes. But I miss the time spent with my friends even more. Going places, doing this and that, go crazy, get busted, or something. Because now most of us are miles apart. Even if we're close, we still got our own matters to attend to. Plus, the situation has changed and so are our responsibilities either towards ourselves or others. Just part of the cycle of life.

All in all, 2012 was (despite still having 20 more hours before officially entering 2013) a great year for me. Wouldn't trade it for anything else. Too priceless, too meaningful. Well, I guess that's all for now. I wanted to write more but I think this will suffice for the time being. So 2012, thank you for all the memories. With this, I bid you farewell...