Friday, December 25, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
p/s:Harap-harap tak payah la kita kena tunggu lagi 20 tahun baru nak dapat pingat emas..
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Bola oh bola..
Semoga dengan kedatangan tahun baru ini, hidup kita akan lebih diberkati dan Malaysia akan menang petang esok. (Sempat lagi tu)
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
It is now official...
BBI3423 | LANGUANGE & ICT | 3 | B- |
CGPA : 3.1731
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Quick messages
1. Congratulation to Nabil who's getting married this 12/12/09..Sorry I can't make it to your wedding..Got no cash to buy 'sampan' since there is flood in Terengganu...
2. Congratulation to those who scored with flying colours for their 1st semester although it is not yet official..
p/s: Currently working at my Uncle's shop..Just to fill in the time for this break..
Friday, November 13, 2009
Ke-POYO-an mu Jelas Terserlah...
KOM3403 Public Speaking
KOM 3403 Public Speaking..The last paper for this semester..If I were to describe this last paper in one word, I would say BULLSHIT!!! That's right people, BULLSHIT!!! I'm not trying to give an excuse for my lack of preparation for this paper but this is the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth..Seriously, I never thought that it was this bad..The questions was so ridiculous...The choices of answer was insane...It was so confusing...I don't know whether this examination was meant to test our knowledge or our patience..Either way, I would have failed in both anyway..I'm sure most of my friends who took this paper would agree with me..If only we we were allowed to take home the question paper, I might be able to show you some of the questions..Then you can really see why I would describe it as BULLSHIT..But still, I'm just glad is all over..No more papers..No more classes..No more lectures..No more assignments..Yeay!!! 1 semester down, 5 more to go..I'll be heading back to Muar on Saturday..To all my friends, Happy Holiday!! See you next semester (Only for those in UPM)..
Monday, October 26, 2009
She was beautiful...
This is freakin' brilliant—whoops! I came in way, way, way too early. What? No. Just keep going? Yeah, it's fine. Cheers.
This is freakin' brilliant.
The embarrassment I endure
I thought I saw an angel
I was completely sure
She smiled at me on the subway
Turned out she was a man
I didn't know until I tried to sleep with her
After 8 black and tans
But she was beautiful, She was beautiful
She was beautiful, I swear
When I saw her face, it was in a crowded place
And I didn't see the bump right here
I shouldn't've drank so much beer.
Yeah, she had one lazy eye
But I couldn't tell in that light.
You should have seen the look on my face
When we got home that night.
And I said, "What the----oh my! Can we turn off the lights?"
But she just took off her clothes and my lust turned to fright.
But she was beautiful, She was beautiful
She was beautiful, I swear
When I saw her face, it was in a crowded place
And I didn't see the bulge right here.
Why did I drink so much beer?
No no no no no,
No no no no no no,
No no no no no no!
But she was beautiful, I promise she was beautiful
You gotta believe me she was beautiful, I swear.
I bet a flock of angels had smiles on their faces
As they watched me almost hook up with her—him—her—him—oh, gosh.
But it's time to face the truth
I got drunk and made out with a dude.
p/s:This is one of the best parody I've ever heard..LOL..
Monday, September 28, 2009
Raye ke ni?
Habis dah cuti raya..Walaupun dapat cuti lebih kurang 10 hari, tapi rasa cam sekejap jer..Pejam celik pejam celik, dah kena balik kolej..Raya tahun ni, cukup berbeza kalau nak banding ngan raya tahun-tahun sudah..Sebab aku sendiri konpius, aku beraya ke tak ni??
Kisah di Malam Raya...
Malam raya tu, adik aku yang blaja kat uitm telah memaksa family aku untuk keluar shopping..Adik aku cakap "Jom shopping..Nak beli ape, amik je..Along bayar"..Aku masa tu dalam kepala "Wah,wah,wah...Bukan main lagi ko..Mentang-mentang la aku baru kuorkan duit PT aku..Tak sabar-sabar ko nak pancung aku ek.." Tapi takpe, disebabkan aku berhutang dengan dia RM2000, aku layankan aje..Lagipun shopping bukan pakai duit aku, duit dia jugak..Hahaha..(Devilish laugh)
Disebabkan raya tahun ni kitorang satu family tak buat baju raya, jadi malam tu kitorang keluar la bershopping kat bandar Muor (spelling orang Johor)..Mula-mula pergi cari baju untuk adik aku yang form 3 tu, habis satu Muor pusing tak jumpa baju saiz dia. Last-last, dia cakap tak payah cari..Adik aku yang ni susah skit bab beli baju ni..Aku satu family dah faham sangat dah dengan perangai dia..Lagipun dia bukan kisah ada baju raya ke takde..
Pastu aku ngan family aku pergi la Astaka..Masuk je dalam Astaka, aku pun merayap le kat men's wear..Masa tengah pusing-pusing tu aku nampak sign 70% less..Apa lagi, aku terus la pergi kat situ..Tengok punya tengok, last-last, jumpe gak baju selai yang aku berkenan...So, aku angkat le baju tu..RM40 jer..Kira ok ar tu..Setahun skali jer aku beli baju..Adik aku yang no.2 tu, beli ape tah..Kalo tak salah aku dia amik perfume..Tah la, aku pun dah lupe..Yang pasti, dia ar yang shopping paling banyak..Lantak dia ar, duit dia..Yang bongsu lak, amik 2 baju, 1 seluar..Mak, Abah ngan adik aku yang no.3, tak beli ape-ape..Lepas tu terus balik rumah..
Kisah di Hari Raya Pertama...
Memandangkan aku tidur lewat malam tu gara-gara bermain game, aku terskip la sembahyang raya..Aku bangun pun dekat-dekat pukul 11..Hehehe..Siap jer mandi, aku sarung short ngan t-shirt..Malas nak melaram..Bukan ada orang nak datang beraya pun..Orang kat taman aku tu ramai yang balik kampung...Yang tinggal cuma apek-apek ngan nyonya-nyonya jer...Pagi tu aku melantak ketupat, rendang, sambal kacang...Pendek kata, sume yang ade kat atas meja tu aku balun..Lepas makan, terbongkang atas kerusi..Kekenyangan..Aktiviti aku untuk hari tu cuma makan dan tido..
Kisah di Hari Raya Kedua...
Hari ni aku balik kampung sebelah mak aku kat Batu Pahat..Nama kampung aku Kg. Parit Nipah..Kampung ni dekat area Parit Raja ar..Kalo korang dari Batu Pahat menghala ke Ayer Hitam korang akan lalu ar kampung aku ni..Senang je nak tau sebab kat seberang jalan masuk kampung aku tu ada masjid ngan sekolah..So, petang tu dalam pukul 2 kitorang pun bertolak la balik..Aku drive..Memula ingat nak naik motor jer, tapi hari dah gelap macam nak hujan..So tak jadi naik motor..Sepanjang aku drive, macam-macam kene komen ngan Abah aku..Ada je yang tak kena..
Ops, lupa lak, untuk pengetahuan korang, Abah aku ni jurulatih memandu kat Maktab Latihan Teknik PDRM kat Bakri, Muor..Tapi apa yang dia tegur tu ada betulnya walaupun aku yakin aku tak buat salah..Kalau nak banding ilmu memandu yang aku belajar dari Abah ngan yang aku belajar dari Driving School, ilmu yang Abah aku ajar lagi berguna...Silibus memandu polis tak sama ngan Driving School..Cuma kekadang tu aku terkonpius sebab aku blajo 2 mazhab memandu..Hahaha..Eh, melalut lak aku..Sebenarnya aku nak cite yang masa ondaway nak balik kampung tu, nyaris-nyaris terlanggar sorang makcik..Boleh lak dia melintas tak tengok kiri kanan..Nasib baik aku sempat brek..Kalo tak, dah arwah dah makcik tu..
Sampai kat kampung, salam-salam ar ngan Atuk Timah(Ni nenek aku..Jangan tanya kenapa aku panggil Atuk walaupun dia pompuan)..Yang best kat kampung ni cume surrounding dia je..Kiri, kanan, depan, belakang, sume hijau..Sejuk mata memandang..Malam tu aku satu family tido kat sana...Sebenornye ada gambo umah atuk aku ni,tapi dalam henset..Leceh nak copy..Laen kali la aku tunjuk...
Kisah di Hari Raya Ketiga
Lebih kurang pukul 2, family aku bersiap-siap nak balik Muor..Lepas salam-salam ngan Atuk Timah, Paksu & Maksu, lepas dapat duit raya ($_$), kitorang pun bertolak la balik...Tapi sebelum balik, singgah dulu Batu Pahat..Masuk shopping complex..Kali ni setakat window shopping jela..Masa pusing-pusing kat situ aku dapat tengok satu adegan yang menarik (pada aku ar,pada korang aku tak tau)..
Ada satu section kat 1st floor wat sale less 50%-70% untuk cadar ngan comforter..Masa aku masuk, takde orang pun kat area tu..Tapi masa ondaway nak kuar, aku nampak orang ramai penuh kat tepi section tu..Aku pun pergi ar usha..Skali diorang dok sibuk kutip cadar ngan comforter yang berlonggok daa..Lepas tu baru aku perasan yang diorang ni telah tertipu...Rupa-rupanya promoter section tu yang longgok cadar ngan comforter dari bakul..Konon-konon barang tu tengah lelong arr...Less melampau...Nasib baik aku tak tertipu..Hahaha...Tapi berjaya ar taktik kurap yang diorang guna..Daripada takde langsung orang yang datang tengok, sampai nak habis cadar ngan comforter tu orang angkut...Tahniah kepada promoter-promoter tersebut dan takziah kepada pengguna-pengguna kerana tertipu...Tu la, sape suh tak tengok betul-betul...Kan dah terkena...
Kisah di Hari Raya Keempat
Yang ni paling best sebab....Nothing worth telling..Hahaha...(Devilish laugh)
Kisah di Hari Raya Kelima
Lepas je aku bangun dari tido, lebih kurang kol 10 pagi (gara-gara tak tido main game lagi), Abah aku ajak pegi Melaka..Pusing-pusing..Ape lagi, aku on ar..Best gak rayau-rayau..Dok kat umah bukan ade benda nak buat pun..Yang ni aku tak nak cite panjang..Korang tengok gambar dah le..
Ni gambar aku tengah posing kat kolam ikan dalam kawasan bazaar kat Dataran Pahlawan..
Ni tegah lepak-lepak kat Muzium Samudera..Kat belakang aku ade Roda Ferris 'Eye On Malaysia' tapi tak nampak sebab adik aku sengal...Tak pandai amik gambar...
Ni masa Alfonso D' Alboquerque bagi duit raya kat aku sebab datang melawat dia..Tapi dia bagi singgit je...Kedekut btol..
Ni ape punya meriam aku pn tak tau..Yang penting posing...Hahaha
Kisah di Hari Raya Keenam
Yang ni pun takde benda nak cite..
Kisah di Hari Raya Ketujuh
Hari ni kekawan tempat adik aku keje datang beraya..Mak aku prepare laksam ngan popia je..Aku memula bajet ramai awek-awek yang datang, skali awang-awang yang ramai..Seperti yang dijangka, sume yang datang tak penah makan laksam..Bukak jer tudung saji, sume terpinga-pinga..Oleh kerana tak pernah rasa, diorang amik banyak-banyak..Pastu tak habis..Membazir betul..Nasib baik tak ramai mane yang datang..Aku tak peduli sangat ngan orang yang datang. Aku dok sibuk siapkan keje yang berlambak..Nasib baik sempat siapkan haritu..
Kisah di Hari raya Kelapan
Balik UPM ar..Ape lagi...
Tu lah aktiviti raya aku sepanjang cuti minggu lepas..Skali tengok macam beraya..Skali tengok macam tak..Ah, lantak la..yang penting, aku happy...Hahaha...(Devilish laugh)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Salam Aidilfitri!!!!
p/s: After the break, 3 more presentation to go..sigh...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Number 9
Nine was the name of the sacred mountain of the Sun, for the ancient Egyptians.
Some peoples believed that the Sky was divided into nine celestial levels. It was the case for the Buddhists and also for the last worshippers of Mithra.
The nine plains of the Chinese sky. The hall of the imperial throne was separated by nine gates from the rest of the palace and the book of Annals, named Chou-king, exposes the "Sublime Science" in nine rules. Also the Chinese prostrated 9 times in front of their emperor.
There was nine gates which separated the sacred enclosure (the holy of Holies) of some religious traditions, from the rest of the space, this one considered profane.
Deucalion, the Greek Noah, sails during 9 days on the vessel which he has built on the command of the gods.
For Hesiode, the Earth was separated from the Heaven by a distance of nine days and nine nights, and from the hell also by nine days and nights.
The nine levels of the hell of Dante.
The nine nodes of the bamboo for the Taoists.
The nine notches of the birch-axis of the world at the Siberian tribes.
The nine openings of the man for Islam.
The nine stages that should traverse the souls of Aztecs to reach the eternal rest. They counted also nine underground worlds.
The nine was the key number of teaching for the materialistic Hindu philosophers in the Vaiceshika school.
It is the period of years when the voice of God is heard by a person if this person did not understand yet one of his lessons of life.
The 9 girls of Belenos of the druidism: Ogia - virginity, Glania - purity, Karantia - charity, Uxellia - nobleness, Viriona - truth, Aventia - honesty, Dagia - goodness, Lania - plenitude, and Lovania - joy.
The nine is often found in the superstitions, such as for example, nine salt grains means the bad fate. And if someone wants to get marry in the year will jump nine times over a fire of the saint John or will jump over nine different fires. The tradition wants that the drowned returns to the surface of the water after nine days.
The magic square using the first nine numbers is associated to the planet Saturn and has for sum 15. Sometimes, it is also called the "square of Solomon".
4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6In the Greeks mythology: the nine nights of love of Zeus; the nine days and nine nights that Leto suffers when she gives birth; the nine girls of Zeus and Mnemosyne, named Muses, who governed the liberal arts: Clio, Calliope, Melpomene, Thala, Euterpe, Erato, Terpsichore, Polymna and Urana; the nine days of ansciety of the Ceres-Demeter goddess who went around the world in search of her daughter Persephone kidnaped by Hephaistos, the dark god of Hells; the tradition wants that Minos, in his cavern, spent nine years to receive the Jupiter laws; a legend says also that Minos had, every nine years, a meeting with Jupiter, after what it was possible for him to prophesy.
Every nine years Athens sent, in the island of Crete, seven young men and seven young girls to be sacrificed there to the Minotaure.
There is nine "Dharmas", books constituting the Nepal Bible.
Orphism defines nine symbolic aspects of the universe divided into 3 triads: the night, the sky and the time; the ether, the light and the stars; the sun, the moon and the nature.
The 9 was the sacred monogram of the Moon goddess, "Bolon Tiku" of the Mayas.
The "Jin-Hoang" of the "Kieou-teou" divide the earth in nine parts, and nine brothers of the same name share the empire of the world.
In the Brahminism, Vichnou incarnates in nine avatars to sacrifice himself for the salvation of men.
In the biodynamic agriculture, the complete cycle for the preparation of the compost lasts nine months.
The language includes, grammatically, nine parts: the verb, the noun, the adjective, the participle, the conjunction, the article, the pronoun, the preposition and the adverb - interjection apart.
The nine planets discovered in our solar system, are in the order starting from Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Recently a tenth planet was discovery beyond Pluto.
R. Allendy speaks about the curious arithmetical properties of the nine which gives it a very particular character because of the use of our decimal notation system. In another numerical notation system they would cease to exist: the difference between an unspecified number and the number formed by the inversion of its digits is always a multiple of 9 - example: between 26 and 62, the difference is 36, multiple of 9; the multiples of 9 are always composed of digits where the sum (once reduced) is equal to 9; the product 123456789 x 9 gives 9 times the digit 1 in the answer (1111111101). Concerning this last property, Elisabeth Haich mentiones the next calculations:
0 x 9 + 1 = 1
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 + 10 = 1111111111The Trojan War lasted nine years.
These are just a some of the facts that I've found through google...Why don't you search some other facts on this number.
Monday, August 31, 2009
52 Years of Awesomeness!!
May the peace and prosperity that we are enjoying right now will last forever and ever...
p/s:It sure is great to be home even just for a few days..I got to eat REAL food..In a couple more hours I'll be heading back to campus..Which means I will start cracking my head up to finish all the assignment..Man, this sucks..
Saturday, August 22, 2009
What's new?
Eventhough it's 3 am, I'm still wide awake and I don't feel like sleeping, probably because I've already slept in the afternoon..To fill in the time, I decided to renew my blog's layout..I'm sure you already know that the moment you arrive at this page..So,what do you think?Cool?It looks awesome to me..Hahaha..(Devilish laugh)..
You are probably wondering why I pick this layout..Well, as most of you know, I like playing games..Who doesn't,right?Torn City and Criminal Impulse are 2 web based games that I enjoy playing..Another game is called Mafia Wars (facebook)..These games are all about surviving in a world where money and power rules..Why don't you folks give it a try.Who knows, you might be the most powerful person there..Hahaha (Devilish laugh)
However,I'm a little bit frustrated.You see, I had to re-add the visitor counter and the shoutbox because I don't know how to change the layout without causing it to be reset..But what can I say..That's the price I have to pay for my lack of knowledge in this sort of stuff..
Oh dear,look at the time.It's 4 o'clock already (I can't believe I took 1 hour to write this long). I think I'm going to watch a movie now.Before I go, just want to wish all of you guys and girls 'Selamat Bersahur'
p/s:Watch out people,there's a NEW guy in town..Who?Check out The Crews..Hahaha (Devilish laugh)
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Holy Month
Ramadhan is here again..Just want to wish you guys and girls out there,
p/s: For us at L1, getting food for sahur is no longer a problem..Thanks to Nasi Shahur~~
Hahaha (Devilish Laugh)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A black man walks into a cafe
one early morning and noticed that he was the only black man there.
As he sat down, he noticed a white man behind him.
The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here."
The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:
When I was born I was black,"
When I grew up I was black,"
When I'm sick I'm black,"
When I go out in the sun I'm black,"
When I'm cold I'm black,"
When I die I'll be black."
But you sir..."
When you were born you were pink,"
When you grew up you were white,"
When you're sick, you're green,"
When you go out in the sun you turn red,"
When you're cold you turn blue,"
And when you die you turn purple."
And you have the nerves to call me colored?!"
p/s:This was taken from Fancine's profile (Torn City)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Bloopers: Resume
I was browsing through the internet when I found this. Check it out.
1. I demand a salary commiserate with my extensive experience.
3. Received a plague for Salesperson of the Year.
4. Reason for leaving last job: maturity leave.
5. Wholly responsible for two (2) failed financial institutions.
6. Its best for employers that I not work with people.
7. Lets meet, so you can ooh and aah over my experience.
8. You will want me to be Head Honcho in no time.
9. Am a perfectionist and rarely if if ever forget details.
10. I was working for my mom until she decided to move.
11. Failed bar exam with relatively high grades.
12. Marital status: single. Unmarried. Unengaged. Uninvolved. No Commitments.
13. I have an excellent track record, although I am not a horse.
14. I am loyal to my employer at all costs... Please feel free to respond to my resume on my office voice mail.
15. I have become completely paranoid, trusting completely no one and absolutely nothing.
16. My goal is to be a meteorologist. But since I possess no training in meterology, I suppose I should try stock brokerage.
17. I procrastinate, especially when the task is unpleasant.
18. As indicted, I have over five years of analyzing investments.
19. Personal interests: donating blood. Fourteen gallons so far.
20. Instrumental in ruining entire operation for a Midwest chain store.
21. Note: Please don't miscontrue my 14 jobs as job-hopping. I have never quit a job.
22. Marital status: often. Children: various.
23. Reason for leaving last job: They insisted that all employees get to work by 8:45 a.m. every morning. Could not work under those conditions.
24. The company made me a scapegoat, just like my three previous employers.
25. Finished eighth in my class of ten.
26. References: None. I've left a path of destruction behind me.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
These area all that I have to show. To all my friends who attended the convocation, please send me the pictures from your cam and for those who want the pictures from my cam, do inform me. I'll mail it to you.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Starting School
There were five slots prepared for us which are 'Suai Diri' (Adapting) , 'Seronoknya Belajar' (Learning is Fun), 'Interaksi Sosial Kampus' (Campus Sosial Interaction), English Fear No More and 'Graduan Unggul' (Excellent Graduates). The program started from 8 a.m. untul 6 p.m. Held at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication.
The program was so boring. I didn't really pay any attention to the activities. Instead, I was more interested in talking with Mas, the girl who sat next to me . Hahaha. She is actually the daughter of my facilitator, En Mustapha (I hope this is the right spelling for his name) for that day who is currently doing her degree in Mandarin at Beijing University. We just had a leisure talk. Nothing much. She went back home before the afternoon session started, I think. Her father said that she had some business to attend to. (I bet her father was so annoyed that I pay more attention to her daughter than him. Hahaha)
For the evening session, the activities were still boring. So I spent most of the time chit chatting with a chinese girl called Aying, a B.A German student who actually have no basic in German at all and another chinese girl, Sin Yee, my coursemate. This would be the second time a have a non-Malay as a coursemate. The last time was when I was in MAFA (Currently known as NDUM). Anyway, back to the topic. For the last slot, we didn't do the activity that we were supposed to since everyone was very sleepy and tired. So, the facilitator decided to tell us a few stories about the weird incident that occured before at our faculty. One of it was......I think I'll save the stories for now. I don't want to be scaring you off now, do I. But, seriously dude, it is really scary. You would pee in your pants if you hear the stories...Just kidding...Hahaha..But still, you better watch you back when you are walking alone at Sanggar Bahasa or the faculty. You'd be surprise that more than a pair of eyes are watching you.....Muahahahaha (Devilish Laugh)
Orientation week
For this post, a little insight on the orientation week. 'Minggu Perkasa Putra', that's what they called the orientation week here at UPM. The schedule was packed with lots of activities. It was the first time I experienced the "Battle of Cheers" between the colleges. It was fun but sometimes annoying. People screaming and cheering like a band of babbling baboons trying to mate. But still, it was FUN!!
My college, along with my other friends from UDM, is the 12th College.The room was not as I expected though. The room is spacious compared to my previous room back at UDM. However, the bed, the cupboard, the windows, and all other stuff are very poor. There a lot of mosquito too. I got mosquito bites all over my body. I think the college administration should place mosquito net at the windows. Just to prevent any unpleasant cases of dengue fever.
The seniors were very nice. Way too nice. There were no punishment for those who broke the rules. I'm note sure about the other colleges but 12th College's senior was good. The slots prepared for us were good. The slot with the ex-students of UPM was probably the best for me. I'm amazed by one of the guest on how He, i repeat HE studied 12 hours a day when he was studying here at UPM. As for the other slots, BORING!!!!
'Malam Tunas Budaya', a cultural event to end 'Minggu Perkasa Putra'. It was awesome. There were a few celebrities from TV3 who acted as judges. People dancing and singing, wearing all those fancy clothes. Pity though, my college only won 1 award i think. But at least we won an award. that pretty much wraps up the orientation week. Nothing much for me to say. My other friends probably wrote a lot on this. Feel free to visit their blog.
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Oh ankle~~~
Time 2 aku lompat ler nk block bola opponent spike (bior xckup tinggi pn, jnji lmpt..kalo x kne mrh)...masa landing 2, kaki kiri aku terlanding atas kaki member sblh...trus bebunyik "Krak"...pastu leh lak mamat tuh tarik kaki dia cecepat...lagi sekali kaki aku mengeluarkan bunyik "Krak"...aku trus tlentang ats lantai...pergh...sakit gile...ak cecepat bukak kasut ngan stokin...nah, amik ko...kaki aku dh beso sblh...dh mcm org kne untut dh..bebudak laen trus bwk aku ke tepi...rendam kaki dlm air sejuk..xnk bg masuk angin..
Mlm 2 trus g ngurut..Nash yg angkut aku...kt tmpt ngurut 2 (bukan rumah urut thai) kaw2 brader yg servis kaki aku 2 pulas..nsb baek ler dia kater joint aku x dislocated..kalo x lg naya...sminggu aku jd org OKU..kaki yg bestnyer,aku xyah training ler...dpt g gak uum...rayau2 kt Pdg Bsr...siap maen lg maser match..wlpn klh,tp puas ati ar...
Tp 2 r, smpi harini x ok lg..spupu aku si aisyah 2 pn siap bley tanyer, "Along cacat separuh masa ker spenuh masa?"...hampeh pnya bdk..nsb baek br drjh 3..kalo x, dh kne hempuk dh ngan aku..hahaha...skang ni, wlpn leh jln ngn lari aku xtaw leh ker x..blm test lg..kalo xleh,xpnjt gng ler aku...ish3..sadis sggh..xpe ah..nk wat cmne..trime jela..mgkn ni blsn aku di ats dosa2 silam yg x ku sedari @ yg aku wat2 x sedar...hahaha...pe2 pn,bg mereka yg tringin nk blajo mnari twist 2,pk ler hbs2...kalo ter'twist' ankle 2, sndr gak yg ssh...igtlh org tersyg....